Yarmovsky Family History

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This site is devoted to the genealogy of the Yarmovsky family.  Shmuel David Yarmovsky (1840-1930) and Hene Lufkovitz (or possibly Silverstein) (1848-1941) had 14 children from 1866 to 1894:  Eli (Hillel), Sara (Sorke), Esther, Meri, Libby (Liba), Marks (Mordechai), Rachel, Feigel, Morris (Moshe), Dina (Yenta), Berl, Dora (Devora), Hyman (Chaim), and Bertha (Brine).  According to family stories, there were also two other children who died in childhood.  Most of the children were employed as young adults as tailors or weavers.

The following picture is estimated to be from about 1898.  It was taken in Bialystok and shows Hene, Hyman, Shmuel David and Berl.

Hene, Hyman, Shmuel David & Berl Yarmovsky

The Yarmovsky family resided in at least three places in Europe:  Porechany (also known as Paracany and Porzeczany, about 7 miles southwest of Lida) [Search for "Parechany, Belarus" at https://maps.google.com/], Belarus; Dyatlovo (also known as Dziatlava in Russian and previously known as Zdzieciol in Polish and Zhetl in Yiddish) [Search for "Dziatlava, Belarus" at https://maps.google.com/], Belarus; and Bialystok, Poland.  Most of the children emigrated from what was Russia at the time to England, the U.S.A., Canada, and Australia.  By 1893, the family was located in Bialystok where their name was spelled as Jarmowska in Polish.  The family lived at #1 Zytnia St., Bialystok, for many years.

Yarmovsky 1900

This picture is estimated to be from about 1900.
Shown are Dora, Berl, Morris, Rachel, and Dina.

Eli (Hillel) Yarmovsky was born about 1866.  He was married to Sophie (shown as Zifaie in the 1901 Census, possibly being Tziviah) Silverman and emigrated to England by 1897.  See Photo.

Sara (Sorke or Sora Rivka) Yarmovsky was born about 1868.  She married Aaron Davis (originally Aaron David Szturmak) in Bialystok in 1898 and later emigrated to England.  They then emigrated with their son Max to the U.S. from Manchester on the ship The Imperator sailing from Southampton arriving in NYC on 8/8/1920.  Their son Eli had previously left England on the ship The Orduna sailing from Liverpool arriving in NYC on 12/11/1916.  See PhotoSee Stones.

Esther Yarmovsky was born about 1871. She emigrated to England where she remained single and lived in Leeds and Manchester.  See Photo.

Mary (Meri) Yarmovsky was born about 1873 in Zhetl.  She emigrated to England where she married Lazarus Morris Shaffner.  After his death, she moved to Canada.  They had eight children.  See Photo.

Libby (Liba) Yarmovsky was born in Porechany (shown as Parechine in family records; Poreczna on a passport) in 1876. She married Simon Mendelson (originally Shimen Ruben Mendelewicz).  Simon emigrated to the U.S. sailing on the ship The Gdansk from Danzig arriving in NYC on 1/29/1921 enroute to his brother Sam at 103 Norfolk St.  Libby emigrated to the U.S. sailing on the ship Tyrrhenia from Cherbourg, France arriving in NYC on 9/6/1923 from Bialystok, Poland enroute to her husband in NYC at 103 Norfolk St.  See PhotoSee Stones

Marks (Mordechai) Yarmovsky was born about 1878.  He married Sara Itzkowitz.  He emigrated to Manchester, England and then later to Australia where he made his fortune as a clothing manufacturerSee Photo.

Rachel Yarmovsky was born in 1880.  She married Mordechai Sapiro and lived in Bialystok, Poland.  She did not emigrate, but her children emigrated to Canada and the U.S.  See Photo.

Feigel Yarmovsky was born in 1881 and died in 1900 in Bialystok.

Morris (Moishe) Yarmovsky was born in 4/18/1885 in Grodno (the name of the province where Porechany was located).  He married Dora (known as Toby) Elfman.  He emigrated from Manchester, England to the U.S. on the ship Campania sailing from Liverpool, England arriving in NYC on 1/9/1909 enroute to his cousin L. Itzkovitz in Brooklyn. See PhotoSee Stones.

Dina (Yenta) Yarmovsky was born in 1888.  She married Meyer Mines.  She emigrated to the U.S from Bialystok with her husband on the ship Gothland from Danzig arriving in NYC on 1/17/1921 enroute to Dina's brother Morris at 3507 14th St.  See Photo.  (Dina and Meyer Mines are buried somewhere in the New York City area, but the name of the cemetery is not known.  Contact the author of this site if you have this information--see the link at the bottom of the page.)

Berl Yarmovsky was born in 1889 in Porechany (shown as Porechino in Grodno in documents).  He did not emigrate.  See Photo.

Dora (Devora) Yarmovsky was born about December, 1889 in Zhetl (shown as Zetle in documents, now known as Dyatlovo).  She emigrated to England where she left Manchester, England sailing on the ship Cedric from Liverpool on 12/24/1910 arriving in NYC on 1/1/1911. She was shown as a 21 years, 1 month old, single tailoress, having lived in England for one year with brother Marks Yarmovsky, 44 Penron St., Hightston, Manchester and was enroute to brother Morris, at 64 and 66 Canal St., NYC.  In the U.S., Dora married Jack DonnerSee PhotoSee Stones.

Hyman (Chaim) Yarmovsky was born about 1893 in Bialystok (which was part of Russia at the time).  Chaim Jarmowski arrived on the ship Main sailing from Bremen on 12/4/1913 to NYC arriving on 12/18/1913.  He was a 20 year old single trader enroute to his brother Moses Jarmowski, 231 Eldridge St., NYC.  He was leaving his father Dawid Jarmowski, Bialostok, Grodno Province, Russia. He was shown as being born in Grakowo Russia in the ship's passenger records (Grakowo is likely a misspelled Grodno).  Hyman's Declaration of Intention to become a citizen was dated 3/22/1920 and showed him as a single tinsmith living at 3507 14th Ave. in Brooklyn.  His birthplace was shown as Bialystok.  He married Dora Fishbein on 4/2/1920 in London, Ontario, Canada.  See Photo.

Bertha (Brine) Yarmovsky was born in 1894 in Bialystok.  She emigrated to the U.S. about 1914 where she married Louis ZywotowSee PhotoSee Stones.

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This page was last updated 08/02/12